September 30, 2010

Functional Problem Solving in Action: Lacrosse Player with Lower Back Pain (LBP)

I am grateful to be able to do what I do every day working with athletes and non-athletes alike. They always present different challenges and it's fun to see what happens when you help someone with a physical breakthrough.

Here is a portion of an email I received from one of my collegiate athletes about one of his teammates.

"Also, my friend here has had lower back problems for
forever and hurt it especially bad this morning doing box jumps, and
is really having trouble bending down and moving at all. The trainer
says its because his abs are weaker than his back, and his right hip
is higher than his left hip. they did stim and stretched it today,
and it made it a little better. But he wanted me to ask you if you
had any advice to give him or anything about it since its really
giving him trouble."

First, I'm always impressed by this young man's concern for his teammates. He's not only a great athlete, he's a great guy and unfortunately, that is becoming more and more rare these days. Anyway, I made the quick video below explaining my thinking behind his teammates' lower back pain as well as a quick hitter to get him on the road to fully functional. Please excuse the rough editing.

If you have any questions that you'd like me to do a webcast on, please let me know and I'll see if we can make it happen. Email questions to




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