March 18, 2011

The problem with TECHNIQUE

To me, it's amazing what it taught these days in many disciplines. We see so many techniques and tools that are passed around to each student, usually in a very cookie cutter fashion. I am guilty of doing that with students in the past and for some reason, they got good results. Maybe it was because part of the technique was right which was held together with the students natural "talent". It's hard to say.

However, as I study biomechanics, neurology, kinesiology, etc, the more I see techniques are just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG in terms of what it really takes to have successful, repeatable and sustainable results. Well, what is it? What makes technique the final stage?

Fortunately, I was able to study under two great physical therapists, Gary Gray and Dr. David Tiberio of the Gray Institute who taught me about Principles - Strategies - Techniques paradigm.

The thing is that many people create techniques. Business. Politics. Psychology. Medicine. Athletics. Literature. Music. They create this little package, tool, manual that has some groundbreaking technique that is supposed to be THE THING. However, when we start looking at many of these techniques and what they are based (or not based) on (principles and strategies), we see that they are not really anchored to anything scientific. Evidence sure but not much based on the laws of nature, physics, biology, neurology. They are guesses on guesses on assumptions.

Working with PRINCIPLES or the WHY helps us to understand what is really going on. They are principles like GRAVITY, MASS, MOMENTUM, FORCES, 3-DIMENSIONS in physics. They are the deep anatomical and physiological knowledge of the brain that is at the center of human operations (thoughts, beliefs, emotions, movement). They are the functional aspects of skin, nerves, muscles, fascia and bones. These are the things that we know to be true.

Our STRATEGIES are based on the PRINCIPLES. They are our plans of action or the HOW. They give us direction in where we are going realizing that sometimes this is a not a straightforward direction. It may take us up, down, side to side and around in circles but at least we are aware of that. We are not just wandering aimlessly.

The TECHNIQUES are what we do. They are the WHAT and these are based out of our PRINCIPLES AND STRATEGIES. There is a foundation to these techniques.

Our tendency is go with what we see. What's on the surface. What is most easily identifiable. However, this superficial look is just that. It does not allow you to see what is REALLY going on underneath. There is usually a lot. It's what the microscope did for us. It allowed us to see the what the naked eye could not.

As we look at building skills/techniques, please understand that there is a lot much to what is going on with the technique. Here's the thing: these techniques should be able to hold up in the light of scientific scrutiny. Real science. Question those who create techniques AND seek to verify that which they tell you. When it does not hold up, politely excuse yourself and run like hell when they start to make stuff up to cover for their shortcomings.

Yes, this applies to anything. Do it. Here's a little warning though: IT IS DIFFICULT. It will not be easy to get and it may frustrate the hell out of you when you do it, but as you start to incorporate this thought process  more and more, you will really be able to uncover aspects of the skill/activity that you never imagine. Your results will be amazing and you will have truly learned something special.

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