March 21, 2011

Dermoneuromodulation - based Training Introduction and Short Video

Recently, I have become quite enamored with the NERVOUS SYSTEM. I mean, let's face it: IT'S THE CONTROL CENTER OF THE BODY.

The brain controls everything and is supplied with information via the nerves. It controls everything from our heart rate to cell proliferation to movement. When we consider working with the body in either a rehabilitative or training setting, considering the power of the nervous system would benefit both the client/patient and the trainer/therapist. Yes, we can still look at biomechanics, fascial manipulation, joint mobilization/manipulation, muscle action, etc; however, let's not lose track of what rules what. After all, the brain is king.

A fantastic Physical Therapist by the name of Diane Jacobs in Canada has created an amazing technique called Dermoneuromodulation. Here's a short excerpt from her manual:

The DNM system takes into account cutaneous nerves. The treatment rationale includes providing the nervous system with novel stimuli to assist it to function more easily and economically. Ordinary mechanical pain (from movement deficiency) becomes decreased, usually markedly. Follow up homework includes movement suggestions, but not usually any “exercise” as such. This approach is consistent with neurodynamic theory and pain theory.

Working with DNM and Applied Functional Science based functional training has provided me with an even more effective tool bag to work from. Below is a short video demonstrating the union of DNM and AFS Functional Training

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send comments and questions to

All the best!



  1. Hi Will
    Great video. Nice job.
    Robert Werner, FAFS

  2. Thanks, Robert! I always wonder if people read these crazy posts, especially one as "out there" as DERMONEUROMODULATION!

  3. Awesome idea and thought process. Can't wait to try it.

    Trevor Shaw,DC.CSCS.

  4. Thanks Trevor! Let me know how it goes :)
