November 23, 2009

The Transformative Power of 3-D Chain Reactions

Once in a while, I have the opportunity to step back from my daily routine and look around. It's always interesting to me that when I step back, I can take a look at what I'm really doing in my life. For me, that introspection can be very powerful. I think it can be so powerful that the moment we see ourselves,  we can make a choice to change if necessary, and if we make that choice to change, a chain reaction of mind/body/spirit happens.

Last week, I had the privilege of going out to San Diego, CA to attend a Chain Reaction Transformation Seminar with Gary Gray PT, Dr. David Tiberio PT and Doug Gray. This was my second time going and while it's the same seminar, it's only the same in name only. Being a Fellow of Applied Functional Science, we have been through the material that they cover in the CRT seminar in great detail but it seems that everytime I go, I learn something different. Another great thing about being a Fellow is that we are able to go as guests which equates to many of the Fellows getting together at the seminar.  What is amazing to me is how much brain power is in the room. There are PTs, CPTs, PTA's, Strength Coaches, ATCs, all in one room for the same reason of LEARNING TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF THOSE WE COME IN CONTACT WITH. The seminar director, Gary Gray, has this amazing ability to not only see the body but to see the mind and spirit also. As a movement therapist and enhancement specialist, I truly believe that if we affect a peresons body, we are also affecting their mind and spirit. It's back to that Principle of Function that Function is 3-D, and in this case, mind/body/spirit.

Once in a while, questions arise in my mind. Most of the time these questions are wrapped in self-doubt and trepidation of what was, is and will be. These questions usually set off a chain reaction that gets me anxious, tired and cranky and when that happens, I'm really no use to anyone, including myself. However, when I can actually step back, take a breath and see the situation for what it is, I experience clarity and I am anchored back to why I really am in this profession. 

For those out there who are in the health profession, no matter what you do, it is easy to get drained and worn down. It seems that peoples woes are endless and that we are not putting a dent in the big picture of illness and dysfunction. When I take that view and run with it, I find that I am not in this profession for someone else. I'm doing it for me. However, to that one client or patient that we interact with, we are the ones that they have put their trust in to help them get better. However, we have to remember that WE DO NOT HEAL ANYONE. We do not have the power to heal. What we do have is the gift is to work with our clients and patients to create an environment where healing can take place. If there is a block to healing, we can help them remove that block but the wisdom of the body is that it actually heals itself. Once the body has a clear path, it will heal itself. It is truly the power of chain reactions.

Interestingly enough, the same strategy applies to the mind and spirit. However, sometimes it takes an  "injury" where we need to step back and see what is going on. Sometimes we can clear the block ourselves, sometimes we need somone or something to clear it for us. However, I find when that happens, the chain reactions that take place not only affect us but everyone around us.

Have you taken ONE moment today to step back, be objective and look around? It is so easy to get into our routines that one moment out of the day may seem completely out of the ordinary. Well, it is. It should be. Just remember that there is a thin line between being in the groove and being in a rut.

Step back. See what's going on and see if your strategy for that day is fitting the situation. If not, change it up. Just remember to anchor to your Principles of Function.

Happy Monday!!!


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