November 2, 2010

8 ways to maximize your time with your trainer/coach/therapist/teacher

I have mentioned many times that I wear many hats as a coach, teacher, therapist and trainer and they all have their own set of experiences that are particular to that "hat", but there are a lot of similarities that I see as well.  Very often people come in and pay me a good deal of money to help them with their issues of performance enhancement, weight loss, pain elimination, etc but unfortunately, some of  these people are not maximizing their time with me.

Unfortunately, but I have to say this, we are very much in a "DO ME" culture. Now let me clarify that. What I mean is that people think that if they show up, that they've done their part and now its up to us to do the rest and "fix" them. Wow!

First, that is A LOT to put on someone. Yes, we are the ones with the training in the area that you are having an issue with BUT the truth of the matter is that it is VERY DRAINING for us to be the one leading the ship especially when its not our ship.

The real truth is that its a TEAM effort. As therapists/coaches/trainers/teacher/doctors, we are not on some higher level than you and unfortunately that is the way its been taught for many years. If you come in to us, we will do our best to help you; but what usually happens is, we do great work in the session, we give you "homework" to do and then you may do some of it but not all of it. Then you come back the week after or at the next visit and we ask "How's it going? How did you do with the homework?"

Well, what happens is folks tell us "Great! Did all my work" and then we get into the session and we find out you didn't do your work and in fact are at the same place you were last week. Sound familiar?

If you REALLY want results, come in with a TEAM MENTALITY that we will both give it all we have at the session and especially afterwards. That's where the real work comes in. Yes, WORK. Many professionals, would LOVE a client who asks us to draw from our deep resources of knowledge to help you, but this is AFTER you have put your work in. There is nothing more draining that a client who asks a lot but gives very little.


1) Come in with a clear purpose that you are willing to state upfront to your professional. If they can help, great. If they cannot, they will pass you on to someone who can.
2) Come to work as team.
3) Ask questions. If you are not clear on something, PLEASE PLEASE ASK US! We want you to be CRYSTAL CLEAR on what needs to be done.
4) Do your homework! We know when you do not so please do not get frustrated with us that you are not improving. Remember, TEAMWORK!
5) Be consistent with your visits. We need to see you so that we can go to the next logical step even if that visit with us is to say, "We are as far as I can take you but here is a great person to see to get you to the next step." Professionals build relationships in our business for that reason. Your improvement benefits everyone.
6) Be honest. If its working, tell us. If it's not working, tell us.
7) If we are awesome, tell others about us!
8) Remember that many of us got into our profession to help people, and we really do appreciate you.

I hope this wasn't too preachy. Believe me, I'm not an innocent party. I am going through it right now with one of my teachers. However, at the end of the day, I know that he has my best interests at heart and wants to see me do well. He just called me out on not being a team player. I respect his honesty and integrity. That's why I'm dedicating this post to ROBERT DURSO of the Golandsky Institute. He is a teacher/trainer/coach/therapist par excellence.

Any questions, comments, feedback can be sent to



1 comment:

  1. Preach on Will! We all need to take that team approach. Clients think we can make a difference even though we only see them for less than 1% of the total week. Like it sir.
