October 26, 2010

Are you being 3-D Authentic?

A week or so ago, I was able to go to a Functional Soft Tissue Transformation course by one of my mentors, Lenny Parracino. He is a great teacher and a guy who is really paving the way for functional therapy.

In his workshop, he mentioned that what separates his practice from other practices was that he looked at each of his client-patients as INDIVIDUALS and took through through movements and soft tissue therapy that was AUTHENTIC as possible to their true function. Hmmm....

Lately, authenticity has been popping up a lot for me, and I started to ask myself why do I continue to see this theme. Am I not being authentic in my life? Well, the truth of the matter is that while I sometimes think so, I am probably being "semi-authentic" which is probably an oxymoron. Is it either/or?

However, there are clear moments that I am being authentic. Andrew Cohen, said this about being authentic:

The authentic self is the best part of a human being. It's the part of you that already cares, that is already passionate about evolution. When your authentic self miraculously awakens and becomes stronger than your ego, then you will truly begin to make a difference in this world. You will literally enter into a partnership with the creative principle.

Being authentic doesn't take work. It is already there and it feels comfortable. It's not forced. There is no ego that interjects judgements. The tough thing is that the pull of the ego is so great, we cannot break free from its grasp and feel a sense of anxiety when we try.

W.H. Auden said:

We would rather be ruined than changed.
We would rather die in our dread
Than climb the cross of the present
And let our illusions die

Audenn could refer to so much. In my profession, I am tasked with helping people move better so that they are more efficient in their function. Sometimes that takes soft tissue work, corrective exercise, functional conditioning, nutrition, and even behavioral changes. I can say that I have rarely had a client-patient who was ready to jump into change. There is always a hesitancy because the familiar feels easy. We're accustomed to it. Change is hard and like Auden said, people would rather be ruined than changed. However, it is that movement, that Transformational Zone(TZ), as we say in Applied Functional Science, when we move from one direction into another. The eccentric loading of our mind, body and spirit that got us to one point, is ready to propel us to the unloading or explode concentrically in another direction.

Unfortunately, this Transformational Zone needs to be sequenced appropriately and all known blocks removed so that the sensation of flow can happen. The TZ  could also be seen as a breakdown to a breakthrough. Sometimes its a little more anticipated and sometimes its spontaneous. We have to be ready for both because when that time comes, we have to just let go.

Now what I think many of us do, myself included, is play it safe. Do what we know. Take the path more travelled. It's easier to do what we know or follow in others shadows. For some, that's fine. That's their choice, but I think those reading a blog on optimal performance want more than to just be shadows.

In your life, what are you fearing now? What is keeping you from being great? Can you identify one area and take small steps to change directions for the better. I do not mean side stepping either. I mean turn this around for the better. It may be a HUGE rock but as we do functional soft tissue and training with people, we know its one fiber at a time. Chiseling down the "big rock" to smaller ones that are more manageable. It may take a few days, months or years but there is nothing like the sensation of moving freely.

Are you moving freely in mind/body/spirit? I will tell you now its not easy but boy is it rewarding.


Be your authentic self. Your authentic self is who you are when you have no fear of judgment, or before the world starts pushing you around and telling you who you're supposed to be. Your fictional self is who you are when you have a social mask on to please everyone else. Give yourself permission to be your authentic self.

~ Dr. Phil

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