May 10, 2010

Applied Functional Athletic Development: A New Paradigm for Athletics

Applied Functional Athletic Development: A New Paradigm for Athletics

In a not too distant past, it would not be uncommon to find an athlete who could compete in multiple sports. Many athletes like Jim Thorpe, Jim Brown, Bo Jackson and Babe Zacharias come to mind in terms of those who were skilled enough to play multiple sports at higher levels. However, an athlete need not follow in their footsteps to be considered an all-around athlete.

Today, the athletic community is finding itself in a different situation. Athletes are specializing much earlier. What we are seeing are better performances but unfortunately, there are more injuries and fewer athletes are able to sustain high performance for an extended career (Gambetta, Athleticsim). Recently, we have seen the rise of performance enhancement drugs like anabolic steroids that have rocked sports like Major League Baseball. Are our athletes finding themselves with their backs against the wall and are willing to risk using known banned substances that have dangerous long-term side effects?

Athletes and spectators realize that many movements in sports are spontaneous. The body must adapt to the demands imposed upon it by the athlete, opponents and the environment. A training system that has athletes go through rigid movements does not allow for the functional fluidity and flexibility of the body.

Applied Functional Athletic Development guides athletes through a process whereby functional movements are introduced, practiced and applied in a global biomechanical sense. Through this process, the athlete increases their overall athleticism as well as their sport specific skills.

May 3, 2010

Introduction to 3-D Foot/Ankle Complex


Since I started this blog, I have wanted to write about the miracle of the Foot/Ankle Complex but hesitated every time as it is such a complex part of the body that deserves a lot of attention. I will admit that I spent over a year of intense study on the foot and ankle and still am at the beginning stages of understanding the comnplexity of the foot. However, there is a simplicity to the foot that makes it very understandable and approachable.

In this post, I will go into the SIMPLE SIDE of the 3-D Functional  Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle as well as the Chain Reaction Biomechanics.